Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dirtyfeet from sandals?

I have these black sponge sandals that I love. The problem is they, turn my feet black when I wear them. It really doesn't bother me,but hen I go over to my girfriends houses,We usually take our shoes off. Do you think they will be offended if they see my feet are dirty? No one ever said anything to me .

Dirtyfeet from sandals?
Everyone's feet get slightly dirty when they wear sandals. Dust from the ground gets kicked up and trapped between your soles and the sandal. The dust then gets ground into your soles when you walk. There is nothing you can do about this and it is completely acceptable.

If your soles are really black (like when you went barefoot at Cedar Pointe Amusement Park), you probably need to wash your sandals. If they are just slightly dark, no worries. Your friends seem pretty cool and haven't said anything about it. I bet if you looked, their soles are a little dirty too. Just relax and enjoy being barefoot together. Good times!
Reply:just tell them it is from your sandals
Reply:I don't think they will say anything except ask why your bottoms of your feet are black. I think that sandals you have were made cheaply. I have several pairs of Teva sandals with the black topsole, and they do not make my feet black.
Reply:yeah they might b offended if you get their carpet dirty, so maybe u could wear them but bring a pair of socks!!!
Reply:Yes! I think you should get new shoes or put them in the washing machineso that they get clean!
Reply:Well maybe you should wear a cleaner pair of sandals when going to a person's house. Or sometimes if I wear dirty sandals I sometimes bring socks (I know silly), but it hides my dirty feet.
Reply:well what you can do is clean the sadels with some soap and dry them off. Try to keep your feet under you ofr on the floor. They wont see it. They probably wouldnt care either. If they notice just tell them the truth. Just say " The sandels turn my feet black its not my fault... but they are clean."

hope this helps =]
Reply:i can't stand dirty feet. that is one reason i will not wear sandals. get different sandals. i would think you a slob for having dirty feet.
Reply:It cud be the coloring from the sandals itself.Although its under ur feet, it still isnt really a nice sight to see.Friends perhaps were tryin to be polite but am sure u wudnt want them to say that u have dirty feet etc.Perhaps u shud try washing up sandals 1-2x before wearing em again.

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